Saturday, November 13, 2010

you people should comment. I love little sandling because she comments [amongst other reasons]


  1. i love little woods for appreciating my efforts and awesomeness in general.
    i would also like to point out that this blog says there is "1 comments" when there is one comment.

  2. i notice when it says 1 comment, and always comment back.

    also, i love littel sandling for referring to me as "Little woods"
    your awesomeness is noticed.

  3. i was trying to point out that it says "comments" instead of "comment," as if there are multiple comments when there is really only one.

    i enjoy our awesomeness.

  4. the "comments" feature is misleading, and grammatically incorrect, which im sure offends you.

    your awesomeness is awesome and full of awesome-tastity

  5. yes it is. i find it quite confusing and slightly rude that they would be so inconsiderate of my feelings.

    we have awesome times. we drink awesome shooters, listen to awesome music, and then just sit around and soak up each others awesomeness.

    ... sorry, i watched mean girls last night.

  6. ...i forgive you
    [what are awesome shooters??]
    and soaking up awesomeness is one of my favorite past times

  7. idontevenknow. but it went with the quotation.
